I got banned for no reason

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I got banned for no reason

Beitragvon dhoom » 24.08.07 16:09

first i only speak english second iwas playing on swinging and i was doign the rebounded kills like everyone else and geting more points like hiting the yellow bars and stuff. tribute= admin came and i killed him and he got pissed so he told only me not anyone else that ican't do that when everyoning it. so i stoped i went up to the top shoot there come down to the bottom shoot the rebound shoots at the bars go back up shoot there come back down and kept doing that he kicks me out. iwent back and i didn't shootthe rebounds and jsut went to the top platform and killed him and hetemp baned me from the server so can u guys plz unban me cuz i love playing on the server. thank you for ur help

ps: i didn't know where to put this cuz the whole website is in a diff laguange that idon't understand thx
Beiträge: 1
Registriert: 24.08.07 16:03

Beitragvon [WING] Sir Drink a lot » 25.08.07 00:57

we will discuss it and we will see why you are banned.
There must be a reason. We inform you here soon!
Ein Bierfass ohne Boden ist wie ein schwarzes Loch ohne Materie!
[WING] Sir Drink a lot
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Registriert: 03.11.03 15:26
Wohnort: Bonn-Beuel
STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:0:11671

Beitragvon Black Knight » 25.08.07 18:15

First of all, there is no permanent ban, unless Sir Drink a lot or I do it. Which rarely happens... So you got banned for 30 minutes. Let me say that I highly doubt that you were kicked for doing anything illegal. I suppose that it was something you said in the chat.
Der Schwarze Ritter triumphiert immer...
Black Knight
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Registriert: 03.11.03 22:33
Wohnort: Nürnberg
STEAM-ID: STEAM_0:1:9174

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